Wan is What's on in Cyprus is a service from pro85 for holidaymakers and residents in Cyprus.
You are planning an event; invite to a wine tasting; organise a town festival; have a tavern with live music; organise a sports tournament or are a provider of a cultural performance -. enter your event.
If you also need a per85 business directory entry under "Who offers what in Cyprus", will your events will be shown on displayed on
the information page.
The German translation of the English texts is done by pro85 agency for you.
pro85 supports you as a business partner in the region of Pafos/Limassol.
Support the pro85.de internet portal
through recommendation and display of the per85 flyer.
Together we help to make Cyprus better known. Cyprus.
The pro85internet portal for Cyprus is being launched in German-speaking
(Germany, Austria, Switzerland).
Members receive newsletters at regular intervals
in which you can find new business directory entries, current events and
and holiday tips in Cyprus.