Real Estate search

Don't believe everything you read or see on the net about the Cypriot property market!


After more than 30 years of real estate sales as a broker, developer and sales manager of a bank, I know the marketing tools of this industry.  


It is perfectly legitimate that the owner wants to achieve the highest price, the developer the highest margin and the seller the highest commission.


Since the real estate portals live from the number of advertisements, you increasingly come across doubles, sold properties or illustrations that are usually never realised. 

Offers from developers and owners

As a rule, you will receive a detailed description of the location with address; property documents will also be gladly handed over after an appointment with a guide.

Offers from brokers and agents

Most actors work in Cyprus without a sole mandate, or without a mandate at all. In this case you will only find vague statements about location and situation on the internet. You will receive precise information after signing a corresponding agreement or at a viewing appointment, which will be arranged at your request. 

We act anonymously for you

We clearly identify ourselves to you as a real estate service provider vis-à-vis the provider, broker and developer. If we do not yet know the provider, we clarify in the initial meeting that we act on behalf of our clients and only disclose the contact details after consultation.

Real Estate Portals Germany

You start your search on immobilienscout24,, or ..... - the disappointment will be great. You won't even find anything on Bellevue. All portals want to have foreign properties on offer, but treat them stepmotherly and don't dare delete fake offers.

Analysis of selected real estate portals

Real Estate Portals Cyprus

In the selection of portals, we have limited ourselves to independent ones as far as possible. 

The best-known and largest portal in the Paphos region is Buy&Sell. German is rare in the choice of languages, all portals are in English, and Russian and Chinese are also mostly offered. 

Real Estate Portals England and International

English portals have the largest number of listings.

Local portals and suppliers often map their entire inventory to the leading portals. The leading portals in turn map each other's inventory. It is almost impossible to obtain reliable figures on the total number of properties on offer in Cyprus.