Outdoor facility

Garden in Cyprus

Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate. Except for the Troodos Mountains, temperatures below zero are very rare, but in summer it is hot and dry. An irrigation system is essential. Garden maintenance is offered at moderate prices, as a weekly service.


Für den Bau einer Terrasse sollte besonders auf die Auswahl des Belages wertgelegt werden.  Naturstein, Fliesen oder Holz. Witterungsfest, rutschsicherheit am Pool, hitzebeständig und pflegeleicht. Sie werden immer einen Kompromiss eingehen müssen.


Hardly a vacation home or apartment complex without a pool. The swimming season is, with an unheated pool, 6-8 months. The maintenance for care and electricity should not be underestimated. The maintenance is offered weekly, often as a combination with garden, for about 100 - 250 € / month.